Our in-house, plant derived solution utilizes ICIS (Interspatial Colloidal Interference
Surface) Technology to increase production on stimulated unconventional and conventional oil and gas wells. Rebound reduces interfacial tension and increases capillary pressure within the formation.
Small-scale refineries that process fuels in remote location. These refineries can deliver 1,000 – 5,000 BBL/d throughput for heavy oil and depleted light oil reservoirs.
This product separates materials such as Hydrocarbons from sand and water. This can be used both in commercial heavy oil sand extraction, or for remediation of contaminated soil
(832) 538-1073
P.O. Box 94 Calgary, AB T2P 2G9
8 E. Quintette Rd. Suite B Cantonment, Florida 32533
1930 WW Thorne Blvd. Houston, Texas 77073
PO box 10938 Houston, TX 77206
1930 WW Thorne Blvd. Houston, Texas 77073
8 E. Quintette Rd. Suite B Cantonment, Florida 32533